Gerald R. Ford Library
- Martin R. Hoffman Papers, (1962) 1971-1977 (1991)
- collection, Material relating primarily to his work with the Atomic Energy Commission (1971-1973), the Department of Defense (1973-1975), and the Department of the Army (1975-1977). In addition to documents on atomic energy and national security matters, the collection contains information on agency legal matters, the honor code at the U.S. Military Academy, and the work of James Schlesinger (initially as AEC administrator and later as Secretary of Defense). The collection also concerns Hoffmann’s later work (1988) on the Defense Secretary’s Commission on Base Realignment and Closure.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- National Security Adviser, NSC Europe, Canada, and Ocean Affairs Staff: Files, 1974-1977
- collection, Materials of A. Denis Clift and his staff concerning U.S relations with and events in specific countries in Europe and Canada, trips there by American officials, visits to the U.S. by European and Canadian leaders, and ocean policy.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- National Security Adviser. NSC East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff: Files, 1969-1977
- collection, Materials of Richard Solomon and his staff concerning U.S. relations with and events in specific countries in the Far East and Pacific Ocean; trips there by American officials; visits to the U.S. by Asian and Pacific leaders; U.S. territories in the Pacific; and meetings of the National Security Council, Washington Special Actions Group, and Senior Review Group.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- National Security Adviser. Presidential Agency File, 1974-1977
- collection, Material, organized by agency name, that often relates to President Ford’s involvement in specific policy decisions, budget and personnel matters, meetings, and issues affecting national security or diplomacy. The largest files concern Department of Defense, CIA, NATO, U.S. Mission to the United Nations, and the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- National Security Adviser. Presidential Subject File, 1974-1977
- collection, A collection of briefing papers, memoranda, correspondence, reports, and speeches concerning policy decisions, meetings, and other matters in which President Ford actively participated. The materials cover a wide array of foreign policy and national security issues including SALT and other arms control topics, foreign aid, White House-Congressional relations, military exercises, energy, investigations of the intelligence community, and U.S.-Soviet trade.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- National Security Advisor. NSC Program Analysis Staff Files, 1969-77
- collection, The Program Analysis staff provided analysis and background information for the President, Secretary Kissinger, and the NSC on a broad range of defense and national security topics, particularly the SALT treaty and other arms control and nuclear energy issues. The files contain materials from both the Nixon and Ford administrations. Most of this collection is unprocessed and closed to research.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- Philip W. Buchen Files, 1974-77
- collection, Material on advice given to the President, First Family, and White House staff on legal matters, foreign and domestic issues, conflicts of interest, presidential powers, personal matters and campaign law. Major topics include: clemency program for draft evaders, presidential pardons (especially Richard Nixon), judicial appointments (including John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court), 1976 presidential campaign (especially the role of the Federal Election Commission), handling of the Nixon papers, 1974 transition to the Presidency, intelligence community reforms, and administration of the Counsel's Office.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- Robert Goldwin Papers, 1973-78
- collection, Working closely with White House Chiefs of Staff Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney, Goldwin organized a series of seminars attended by the President on such topics as the world food situation, affirmative action, ethnicity, and jobs and unemployment. Goldwin's papers also reflect his involvement drafting occasional speeches for the President, his frequent contacts with prominent intellectuals nationwide, and his association with Donald Rumsfeld at NATO and the Defense Department. Other noteworthy subjects within the Goldwin Papers include the Cabinet and White House staff reorganization of November 1975, the Arab Boycott, crime, higher education, and presidential veto power.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- The White House Central Files
- collection, The White House Central Files (WHCF) was a filing and retrieval system shared by President Ford and his staff. It includes many of their communications with each other, federal agencies, Members of Congress, and individuals and institutions across the spectrum of American public and private life. Some routine foreign government correspondence is included as well. A president's WHCF begins the day he takes office and ends the day he leaves (for Ford, August 9, 1974-January 20, 1977). The Ford Domestic Council and National Security Council staffs also used the WHCF. The latter mostly limited its use to unclassified and "Confidential" (least sensitive) classified material. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and his staff did not use WHCF, nor did the many federal agency personnel who worked in the White House building complex. The Ford WHCF did not use computers except for some correspondence tracking and form letter applications. Thus, it relied heavily on cross-references (annotated and photocopied cover pages) to provide multiple access points to individual documents. The result is a complex system that provides good retrieval accuracy but which can briefly confuse a first-time user.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- U.S. National Security Council: Institutional Files, (1969) 1974-77 (1980)
- collection, These are the formal, institutional records of the Ford-era NSC and its committees, working groups, panels, and administrative staff. The NSC had retained them for continuity of government until the Clinton administration. That portion of the collection which pertains to intelligence matters remains unprocessed and is in the physical custody of the National Archives in Washington, D.C.,, Clements National Security Papers Project
- White House Photographic Office Photographs, 1974-77: Series A and B
- collection,, White House Photographic Office Photographs, 1974-77: Series A and B, Clements National Security Papers Project