WHCF Subject File - ND: National Security - Defense

ND 12: Reserve Forces and National Guard
secondary subject file, Material on new presidential reserve call-up authority, the National Committee for Employer Support, and miscellaneous matters and cross references., http://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/guides/findingaid/WHCFND.HTM, Clements National Security Papers Project
ND 9: Preparedness
secondary subject file, Items on the 1976 military exercise schedule, vice presidential briefing for PRIME RATE 1975 and WINTEX 75 exercise, and miscellaneous other preparedness matters., http://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/guides/findingaid/WHCFND.HTM, Clements National Security Papers Project
ND: National Security - Defense
secondary subject file, Material on miscellaneous defense and national security matters, articles and correspondence reflecting the public debate over defense issues, and materials on the possible transfer of defense programs of the Energy Research and Development Administration., http://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/guides/findingaid/WHCFND.HTM, Clements National Security Papers Project
The collection of these documents and production of this website was made possible by the generous support of Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Donnell, Jr.