National Security Council Institutional Files

Meeting Files (1969-1974)
series, Files documenting meetings of National Security Council committees and organizations. Files contain schedules of meetings, lists of attendee, agendas, talking points, background materials, and summaries of conclusions and/or recommendations. Included in this series are meetings of the Verification Panel, NSC, Senior Review Group, Washington Special Action Group, and Defense Program Review Committee. Arranged by committee or group, and thereunder chronologically.,, National Security Council Institutional Files, Clements National Security Papers Project
Minutes of Meetings (1969-1974)
series, Minutes of meetings of the Verification Panel, National Security Council, Senior Review Group, Washington Special Action Group, Defense Program Review Committee, and the Vietnam Ad Hoc Group. Arranged by committee or group, and thereunder chronologically.,, National Security Council Institutional Files, Clements National Security Papers Project
Records of Staff Secretary (1969-1974)
series, Files maintained by the NSC Staff Secretary. These files include correspondence, reports, memorandums, minutes of meetings. Also included are the Staff Secretary’s NSDM Working Files and the NSC Decisions Index. Arranged numerically.,, National Security Council Institutional Files, Clements National Security Papers Project
Study Memorandums (1969 - 1974)
series, Formal directives by the President directing that studies be undertaken for discussion by the NSC. This series includes documents known as National Security Study Memorandums (NSSM). A typical file includes background papers, input from various agencies, drafts, comments, memorandums, and the directive itself. Arranged numerically.,, National Security Council Institutional Files, Clements National Security Papers Project
Under Secretaries Committee Memorandum Files
series, Files documenting the Under Secretaries Committee activities regarding specific studies and recommendations.,, National Security Council Institutional Files, Clements National Security Papers Project
The collection of these documents and production of this website was made possible by the generous support of Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Donnell, Jr.